End of Year Heavy Equipment Consignment Auction
End of Year Heavy Equipment Consignment Auction
Terms & Conditions of Auction (Payment Terms)
Lot # 1 (Sale Order: 1 of 54)
Paying for your purchase is easy with EquipmentDealz
Payments can be made via Wire, Cash, Company or Personal Certified Check with Bank Letter of Guarantee. Once invoices are received, a full payment shall be made within 48 hours through our accepted payment methods.
Payment Dates are from Saturday, December 21, 2024 From 8:00AM to 6:30 PM CST, and ends Tuesday, December 31, 2024. Payments are due within 48 hours of receiving your invoice during this checkout window.
PLEASE HAVE YOUR FINANCING APPROVED PRIOR TO BIDDING ON THIS AUCTION! If you are not approved and you are the highest bidder, you will be held responsible for the purchase and full payment of that lot. Please do not bid on this auction, unless you have a way to pay for the funds in full at the time of bidding.
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A. All Bidders will pay a (8%) Buyers Premium per each lot. The percentage is Calculated from the final bid/sale price.
B. Federal, State and Local Taxes will be added to the purchase price of all taxable items. There is no sales tax charged on buyers premium. Sales tax is only charged on the tangible items purchased at the auction, but not real estate. There is no sales tax charged on buyers premium. Unless the items to be purchased are located in the state of California and the buyer is taking possession of items purchased in the state of California.
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C. If an individual or company purchasing equipment provides the below forms, they will be exempt from sales tax. The nature of your purchase must be for resale purposes only.
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A shipping sales tax will be applied to any machinery or tangible items that is shipped from Texas. This applies to out-of-state buyers. Notated by Texas Rule 3.303
D. If applicable, the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP) Off-Road,
Heavy-Duty Diesel Equipment Surcharge will also be added to the
purchase price.
1. Titled Units: A $40 Document Fee will be applied to all titled units. Title transfers take about a 21?30-day turnaround time. No open titles will be given to the purchaser.
Additionally, there will be a ten-dollar ($10.00) e-tag fee for requested temporary plates.
Titled purchases: bidder grants Equipmentdealz, LLC power of attorney to sign as owner/purchaser on title documentation as necessary to facilitate the transfer of ownership of titled purchases.
Terms & Conditions of (Buying through EquipmentDealz Auction)
Lot # 2 (Sale Order: 2 of 54)
Each person or entity whose agent is bidding at auction is hereinafter referred to as a Bidder. Unless a Bidder registers by providing the information below and agrees to these Terms of Sale, such Bidder will not be provided a bidder?s number nor allowed to bid or participate in the auction. The information is as to the individual bidding and if applicable the information on whose behalf the Bidder is participating (who is hereinafter referred to as a Company).
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A successful Bidder must pay for his/her/its purchase not later than the end of the day of the auction. The end of the day means when the auction concludes for that day.
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Buyer's premium is added to high bid price. Per item payment is expected day of auction or at receipt of invoice
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Each successful Bidder is to pay:
All Bidders will pay a eight percent (8%) Buyers Premium. The percentage is Calculated from the final bid/sale price.
Federal, State and Local Taxes will be added to the purchase price of all taxable items. There is no sales tax charged on buyer?s premium. Sales tax is only charged on the tangible items purchased at auction, but not real estate.
There is no sales tax charged on buyers premium, Unless the items to be purchased are located in the state of California and the buyer is taking possession of items purchased in the state of California.
For out of state buyers, there is no sales tax charged to customers purchasing and taking possession of items who are located outside the state of which the sale of the items was performed.
If you have a valid resale certificate, or Tax-Exempt certificate, these must be presented at the time of your purchase. You can submit them If your entity has a Tax-Exempt Certificate through our Tax Except Submission Form prior to the start of the Auction or Buy Now Purchase. Please submit the link below in your web browser https://www.equipmentdealz.com/payments
If an individual or company purchasing equipment provides the below forms, they will be exempt from sales tax. The nature of your purchase must be for resale purposes only.
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If you need Texas Ag Certificate 01-924 or Timber Certificate Form 01-925
Please Find the Forms on our website at the link below https://www.equipmentdealz.com/faq
A shipping sales tax will be applied to any machinery or tangible items that is shipped from Texas. This applies to out-of-state buyers. Notated by Texas Rule 3.303
C. If applicable, the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP) Off-Road,
Heavy-Duty Diesel Equipment Surcharge will also be added to the
purchase price.
Terms & Conditions of (Buying through EquipmentDealz Auction) Continued
Lot # 2.1 (Sale Order: 3 of 54)
Titled purchases: bidder grants Equipmentdealz, LLC power of attorney to sign as owner/purchaser on title documentation as necessary to facilitate the transfer of ownership of titled purchases.
Bidder/Buyer accepts each item, Equipment, Vehicle that he/she/it or agent/employee for entity purchased at the auction or Buy Now is in its physical, AS IS, WHERE IS condition, with all faults. There are no warranties of any kind as to the items sold. Each Bidder/Buyer agrees to inspect each item prior to bidding to satisfy him/her/itself as to the condition of each item or Equipment/Vehicle/Product. The Bidder accepts that there are not any warranties, expressed or implied by law whether warranties of workmanship, suitability, merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. Further, Bidder waives any warranties at law or in equity that could pertain under the Texas Uniform Commercial Code. Each item will be subject to the language contained on Exhibit A hereto attached.
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The item will be considered sold without exception upon the final gavel by the auctioneer for that item and will become the sole responsibility of the buyer. Possession of purchased items will be granted upon payment in full.
Bidder is solely responsible for removing, insurance on, arranging, loading, and securing of load any items purchased. For provisions of the loading and shipping addendum, see Terms and conditions of loading and shipping. If you are the successful purchaser of said lot, Equipment or vehicle and need shipping quotes we offer quotes free to you at https://www.equipmentdealz.com/shipping
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Terms & Conditions of (Buying through EquipmentDealz Auction) Continued
Lot # 2.2 (Sale Order: 4 of 54)
All items must be removed within the time announced at the sale, at items that are not removable purchaser's sole cost and risk. However, immediately (heavy objects or equipment) may be left on the premises at Bidders risk for a period not to exceed (7) days from the date of the end of the auction. If the items are not removed after the time fore stated, then a daily storage fee of $100 per item or any part there of will be charged to Bidder which must be paid PRIOR to the removal of said item. If the item is not removed on or before 180 days after the end of the auction [accumulating $100 a day storage fees amounting to Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($4,500.00)], then Seller is at liberty to re-auction the item charging Bidder an auction fee of 10% measured against the final bid/sale price, plus any loss and associated costs, naming Seller as Bidders attorney in fact for the transfer of any right or title of the item. After deduction of all costs, expenses (including the accumulated storage fees to date of resale) and cost of commissions, the remainder will be mailed to Bidder at their last known address OR Seller may elect not to resale but to bring suit against Bidder and/or Company for the recovery of the sales price plus storage fees, attorneys fees and related expenses/costs. If judgment is obtained and Bidders property is still in possession of Seller, Seller may exercise the collection of its judgment against such item.
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Terms & Conditions of (Buying through EquipmentDealz Auction) Continued
Lot # 2.3 (Sale Order: 5 of 54)
Live / Simulcast/ Timed online auction additional terms-Equipmentdealz, LLC, its employees act merely as agents of sellers. All auctions are with reserve unless specifically stated otherwise. reserves, if any, are not disclosed. Additionally, bids may be placed at some auctions by the seller, an employee of the seller, or an agent on the sellers behalf up to the reserve. While the information we provide on item(s) is deemed correct, no warranties are expressed or implied as to any items being sold and you agree to purchase and accept the item in an as-is condition. Information on items is obtained by us from the sellers and you hereby agree to hold harmless EquipmentDealz, LLC and its employees or any errors or omissions regarding the item(s) being sold. This information includes but is not limited to year, model, machine or engine hours, physical condition, options, features, and other data pertinent to the value of the item. All items are sold AS IS WHERE IS.
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Terms & Conditions of (Buying through EquipmentDealz Auction) Final
Lot # 2.4 (Sale Order: 6 of 54)
Exhibit A
The Seller of the item, by and through the auctioneer, is hereafter referred to as Seller and the successful purchaser is hereinafter referred to as Bidder. Bidder accepts the item purchased (hereinafter referred to as Property) by being the successful bidder at auction subject to the following:
A. Bidder is accepting the property as is, where is and with all faults, including latent defects, including non-working, out of repair, broken and/or defective parts.
B. Seller does not and has not made and specifically disclaims any warranties or representations of any kind or character, expressed or implied, with respect to the property, (except those set out in the warranty of title, if any) including, but not limited to: tax consequences; physical or environmental conditions; operating history; valuation; governmental approvals, governmental law and/or regulations; things relating to or affecting the property, including, without limitation:
1) The value, condition, merchantability, marketability, profitability,
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2) The manner or quality of the construction or materials
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3) The manner, quality, and/or state of repair or lack of repair of the property; and
4) The performance of the work on the property
C. Bidder accepts the property solely based upon bidders inspection, testing and/or sole judgment after bidder inspected the property for whatever purpose deemed necessary or appropriate by bidder and bidder has satisfied him/her/itself in reference to same.
D. Bidder has not relied upon, either directly or indirectly, on any representation or warranty of seller or any agent of seller.
E. Bidder represents that:
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2) Bidder is relying solely on bidders own expertise and inspections in purchasing the property; or the expertise and inspections of the experts hired by buyer upon which buyer is solely relying as to the condition of the property.
3) Bidder has conducted such inspections and investigations of the property as bidder deems necessary, including, but not limited to,
the physical and environmental conditions thereof and relies solely on same.
F. There are not any oral agreements, warranties and/or representations,
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G. The terms and conditions of this exhibit will expressly survive the closing, not merge with the purchase.
H. Bidder further acknowledges and agrees that the provisions of this paragraph were a material factor in the determination of the purchase price of the property.
I. As part of the consideration in the purchase of the property, bidder waives any causes of action, claims, and/or damages buyer could claim against seller in the future and waiving the discovery rule.
J. Additional disclosures provided by the auctioneer also apply to the purchase of the property.
k. Bidder accepts that the purchase is final, not subject to any returns.
Terms & Conditions of Auction (CHECKOUT DATES)
Lot # 3 (Sale Order: 7 of 54)
Pickup dates are from Monday, December 23, 2024 From 8:00AM to 6:30 PM Central Standard Time, and Ends Tuesday, December 31, 2024 at 6:30 PM CST.
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Pickup must be arranged with seller through EquipmentDealz once payment has been made in full, and buyer is furnished with loadout ticket
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For items not removed after the stated time per that auction event, they are subject to a storage fee of $100 per day per item. Any items not picked up after 30 days following the auction will be considered abandoned.
EquipmentDealz (Shipping Terms and Instructions)
Lot # 4 (Sale Order: 8 of 54)
Bidder is solely responsible for removing, insuring, arranging, loading, and securing of load for any items that are purchased.
If you are the successful purchaser of said lot, Equipment or vehicle and you are in need shipping quotes we offer quotes free to you at https://www.equipmentdealz.com/shipping
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- Upon request, Auctioneer can arrange common carrier freight. If common carrier freight is required, it will be billed at cost plus 30%.
- Buyer is responsible for paying all fees before picking up items.
All items must be picked up and removed no later than (7) days after the auction- Unless other arrangements are made with Auctioneer.
For items not removed after the stated time per that auction event, they are subject to a storage fee of $100 per day per item. Any items not picked up after 30 days following the auction will be considered abandoned.
EquipmentDealz (Preview Dates and Times)
Lot # 5 (Sale Order: 9 of 54)
Preview is by appointment only please contact EquipmentDealz at
972-666-9501 or 1855-373-3259
1999 Chevy Lifted 4x4 School Bus
Lot # 1294 (Sale Order: 10 of 54)
Make: Chevy
Model: Cab converted to a short bus
VIN: 1GBH31ROX1081913
Title: Yes Ready to transfer
Specs: Tag on door showing a Jasper engine was installed at 180,225 Miles on 03/23, Full interior and audio system installed on bus interior, 40X15.5OR2 LT Tires, Hardrock Wheels, 4x4
Miles: 180,939 Miles
Description: Bus runs and drives, but needs a hard line brake line on drivers side front wheel, has no brakes currently, engine runs well, starts up and runs without blowby, Has some surface rust on the frame and rust on the bus body.
Located in Lufkin Texas.
Loadout assistance avaliable onsite. Loading ramp onsite.
Click here for the Operations Video
Click here for the Inspections Video
2004 Off Road Dune Buggy 4x4 350 Chevy Titled & Full Street legal
Lot # 1293 (Sale Order: 11 of 54)
Make: SPEC
Hours: Unknown
VIN: Assigned : AZ-270581
Specs: Small block SBF 350 Chevy, Holley carb, electric fans, shorty headers, power steering, Champion 8000Lb electric winch, Chevy trans with 4x4 Lo HI set up, corbeau racing seats. 39.5X3.50-17LT tires with spare great tread. Chevy front and rear axles.
Description: this unit was originally out of Arizona, built and certified and inspected to be legal on street, welds on the frame where done correctly someone know how to properly build this machine. Engine starts right up cold start was done and the hi idle worked good, did not overheat, ran super well, had plenty of power when we tested the unit and hooked up well. Seller really doesn't want to sell it because its a quality built machine, his kids love the machine and he likes it as well. He is willing to let it go for the right deal for someone. Let someone else get some joy out of this machine.
Click here for the Inspections & Operations Video
Located in Lufkin TX.
Loadout assistance avaliable onsite. Loading ramp onsite
2023 Lucon Pintle Flat Bed Heavy Haul Trailer
Lot # 1318 (Sale Order: 12 of 54)
Make: Lucon
Type: Flatbed Pintle Heavy Haul Trailer
Describtion: Light use since new. Ready to haul
Specs: Oiled axles with heavy duty tires with thivk sidewalls
Located in Caddo, TX
John Deere 310D Backhoe Loader
Lot # 1273 (Sale Order: 13 of 54)
Make: John Deere
Model: 310D
Drive: 2WD
Type: Backhoe Loader
Cab Type: Open ROPS
Hours: 1343.4 HRS Showing on the new non factory Meter installed, Total hrs we predict are around 2,975 to 3,500 hrs. See video for details
Serial#: T0310DA774447
Stick cylinder is seaping slightly not a major leak, No visible blow by, oil is clean no glitter or metal or moisture in oil. New Water pump recently installed at some point recently, hydros are strong, no major visible leaks from the engine compartent to be seen.
Engine runs well and starts easily.
CAUTION The brakes are not the best.
Click here for Inspection & Operations Video
Located in Lufkin, TX
Load out assistance avalible, Load out ramp onsite.
2000 Case 580 Super L Construction King Backhoe 2WD
Lot # 1310 (Sale Order: 14 of 54)
Year: 2000
Make: Case
Model: 580 Super L Construction King 2WD
Type: Backhoe Loader
Hours: 6,765 showing
Serial #: JJG0204228
Cab type: Open
Description: Unit was running, upon inspection unit wouldn't start. Was told by mechanic, needs a new starter.
Located in Lufkin, TX,
Loadout assistance available onsite, equipment to help load, as a non running unit, loading ramp onsite
1990-1992 Case 580 Super K Backhoe Construction King
Lot # 1272 (Sale Order: 15 of 54)
Make: Case
Model: 580 Super K
Type: Backhoe
Cab Type: Enclosed ROPS
Hours: 6,347.5 Showing
Serial#: JJG0175712
Case Cummins 4-390 Engine
No visible blowby, runs good, starts right up
Rear drive tires and front steer tires in good condition
No visible leaking on outrigger cylinders in rear, a hydro cylinder fitting is loose and needs to be tighted is leaking some, some visible seeping on the boom and stick cylinder, all the front loader cylinders are clean and free from any visible leaks or sepage.
- No active visible major leaks from the engine compartment.
- All the gears shifted out well, in forward and reverse. Each rear brake worked well. Tight boom and stick and loader all the bushings and pins are tight and are showing minimal wear.
Some of the electrical components in the cab are not working regarding light switches etc, may of not had the main switch on, but cant confirm.
The steering cylinders in the front are seeping some. Nothing major
Click here for the Inspection & Operations Video
Located in Lufkin, TX
Load out assistance avaliable. loading ramp onsite.
CAT 416B Backhoe Loader
Lot # 1275 (Sale Order: 16 of 54)
Make: CAT
Model: 416B
Drive: 4X4
Type: Loader Backhoe
Hours: 9,651 hrs showing and still ticking see video
Serial #: 8ZK01379
Cab Type: Enclosed Rops
Description: Machine works and operates as it should, glass missing on backside of cab & broken glass on front right side of cab & back left side of cab. Lights work some don't.
Stick cylinder is slightly seeping fluid, Tires are in good shape, Bucket is in good shape, corrosion on the bottom of the battery box, pretty common. Blower and heat does work.
No blowby to be visibly seen, engine runs good and starts well, Hydros are strong see video. Brakes work well, shifted through all gears.
Located in Lufkin, TX.
Loadout assistance available onsite, loadout ramp onsite
Click here for the Inspections & Operations Video
CAT 416B Loader Backhoe 4X4
Lot # 1305 (Sale Order: 17 of 54)
Model: 416B
Type: Loader Backhoe
Cab Type: Enclosed ROPS
Hours: 6,726.6 HRS Showing
VIN#: 8SG03299416B
Option: Extendahoe
Seller just spent $7K on the stick rebored and pinned
Good tires
Click here for the Operations Video
Located in Calera, OK
Loadout assistance available onsite, No loading ramp onsite.
2018 CAT 289D Tracked Skid Steer Loader
Lot # 1311 (Sale Order: 18 of 54)
Make: CAT
Model: 289D
VIN: CAT0289DTTAW01578
Hours: 5,316.8 HRS
Cab Options: OPEN ROPS
Engine Type: Cat Diesal
Transmission Type: Hydrostatic
Tire or Track Dimensions: Standard Pad style trucks in good shape. 80-90% life left
Hitch Type: Hydro Quick Coupler
Bucket Size: 72 inch Smooth Cutting Edge Dirt Bucket
Electronics Options: Work lights.
Options: Non high flow unit, Joy stick control. 2 Speed Tracks, Hydraulic Quick Coupler.
Description: Nice machine, undercarriage is in good shape with newer sprockets with good life left on sprockets and tracks. Pretty straight sheet metal for the ages of the unit. Usually when a skid steer has this amount of hours they normally have had cat engine or pump rebuild at some point in its life. We do not have any paperwork to prove that. But it is common for rebuilds to happen.
Located in Lufkin, TX
Click here for the Operations Video
Loadout assistance available onsite, loading Ramp onsite.
2022 Kubota SVL 75-2 Hi Flow Tracked Skid Steer
Lot # 1306 (Sale Order: 19 of 54)
Make: Kubota
Model: SVL 75-2
Type: Hi Flow Skid Steer
Cab Type: Enclosed ROPS
Hours: 925.2 HRS Showing
Machine comes with bucket, but no grapple- as shown in the videos and photos.
Seller states machine was used primarily on a ranch to move hay bales and as a forklift in a mechanic shop.
Click here for the Operations Video
Located in Calera, OK
2011 Bobcat E80 Midsize Excavator
Lot # 1296 (Sale Order: 20 of 54)
Make: Bobcat
Model: E80
Type: Midsize Excavator
Cab Type: Enclosed ROPS
Hours: 3,885.3
Serial #:
Click here for the Inspections & Operations Video
Located in Dallas, TX
2016 Bobcat E85 Midsize Crawler Excavator
Lot # 1297 (Sale Order: 21 of 54)
Make: Bobcat
Model: E85
VIN: B34T13006
Hours: 2264.3 HRS
Cab Options: Enclosed ROPS
Engine Type: Yanmar Diesal
Transmission Type: Hydrostatic
Stick Dimensions: Long stick
Bucket Dimensions and Type: 24inch standard rock teeth bucket
Track Dimensions and Type: Standard rubber tracks
Coupler Type: Geith Hydro Quick Coupler
Electronics Options: Lights
Options: Hydro Thumb, Hydro Quick Coupler
Overall Dimensions
Click here for the Inspections & Operations Video
Located in Dallas TX.
Loadout assistance available onsite
2023 Yanmar 50-6 Crawler Excavator
Lot # 1316 (Sale Order: 22 of 54)
Make: Yanmar
Model: 50-6
Type: Crawler Excavator
Cab type: Open ROPS
Hours: 1,013
Serial#: YMRVI050TNAJ62233
Options: AUX Hydraulics, Stickland bucket and QC
Located in Caddo, TX
2022 CAT 309CR Crawler Excavator W/ Blade & Hydro Thumb
Lot # 1307 (Sale Order: 23 of 54)
Make: CAT
Model: 309CR
VIN: CAT00309AGG900307
Hours: 1,828.2 HRS Showing
Cab Options: Enclosed ROPS With A/C & Heat
Engine Type: CAT Diesal
Transmission Type: Hydrostatic
Stick Dimensions: Stock
Bucket Dimensions and Type:
Track Dimensions and Type
Track Base: Legal load.
Coupler Type: Non Hydro Connect, Standard Stock Cat Connection.
Electronics Options:: Lights, 2 Speed Tracks.
Options: Hydro Thumb, Push Straight Blade, Aux Hydraulics, Case return line,Hi Flow Hydraulics, CAT Bucket & Matching CAT Thumb
Description: Undercarriage is in good condition, One of the Aux Hydraulic lines is hanging down from the boom and needs to be put back up with a new clamp, See photos. Full CAT Tint Kit. No CAT Warranty current on this unit.
Located in De Queen, Arkansas
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Loadout assistance available onsite. No loading ramp onsite.
2021 Ram 5500 Tradesman 4x4 w/ Vermeer Tanks + Pump
Lot # 1315 (Sale Order: 24 of 54)
Make: Ram
Model: 5500 Tradesman 4x4
Miles: 32,956 Mi
Engine: 6.7 Liter Diesel
VIN#: 3C7WRNFL3MG662013
Specs: Steel Wheels, Tradesman edition, starts and runs well, all the pumps and equipment works on the bed, Steel built bed.
Located in Caddo, TX
2022 Interstate 40 DLA 46,800LB GWVR 30 ft. Pintle Trailer
Lot # 1317 (Sale Order: 25 of 54)
Make: Interstate
Model: 40 DLA
Type: Pintle Trailer
GVWR: 46,800Lb
Length: 30 ft
Specs: Heavy Duty Oiled axles, with tandem dual wheels and tires. in good shape minimal use. was used to hauk the yanmar vio50 machine
Located in Caddo, TX