Mr. & Mrs John Winship Living Estate
Auction closed.
Auction closed.
Mr. & Mrs John Winship Living Estate
Auction closed.
Auction closed.
Internet Premium: 15%
See Special Terms for additional fees
See Special Terms for additional fees
Mr. & Mrs. Winship has relocated to be closer to family and commissioned us to sell their estate. The estate includes: 2006 Chevrolet Silverado, International/Farmall 140 w/ Belly Mower, Trailers, Shop Equipment, Household Furnishings, Appliances, Lawn Décor, Lumber, Antiques, Plus MUCH MORE!
Pick-up times: Saturday (5/27/23) following the auction from 11:00AM to 2:00PM or Tuesday (5/30/23) 11:00AM to 2:00PM
Pick-up times: Saturday (5/27/23) following the auction from 11:00AM to 2:00PM or Tuesday (5/30/23) 11:00AM to 2:00PM
Closed Lots
International / McCormick Farmall 140 with 4' Belly Mower
Appears to be barn kept - Engine & Hydraulics were previously rebuilt
John Deere E180 Riding Mower 54" Cut with new Blades & Cover - 71.9 Hours
Recently Used - Said to have been bought new 2-3 seasons ago
Mixed Hardwood - See new pics & descriptions
51+ Board Feet Mixed Birch
51+ Board Feet Sapele (African Mahogany)
151+ Board Feet Red/White Oak