Southwest Auction Co., Inc.

Southwest Auction is a full service auction company serving farmers and ranchers since 1983. We offer a complete and professional auction service.
Southwest Auction Co., Inc.
(903) 532-5501
Alternate: (903) 532-5502
Fax: (903) 532-5482
P.O. Box 219
1510 South Collins Fwy
Howe, TX 75459
Wednesday, March 12
10:00 AM Central
SOUTHWEST AUCTION COMPANY Used Tractors and Farm Equipment. John Deere Tractors, Skid Steers, Loaders, Balers, Cultivators, Bottom Plows, Haybines, Sprayers, Grain Drills, Grain Truck, Excavators,...
Wednesday, April 9
10:00 AM Central
SOUTHWEST AUCTION COMPANY Used Tractors and Farm Equipment. John Deere Tractors, Skid Steers, Loaders, Balers, Cultivators, Bottom Plows, Haybines, Sprayers, Grain Drills, Grain Truck, Excavators,...