VanDerBrink Auctions, LLC

Collector Cars, Antique Tractors, Land, and auctions of all kinds.
VanDerBrink Auctions, LLC
(605) 201-7005
Fax: (402) 991-2452
1847 80th Avenue
Hardwick, MN 56134
Lots start closing Sunday, September 15
7:00 PM  Central
Hardwick,  MN
Les Snavely not only collected motorcycles, but all things that go with it including original literature and manuals. This is his collection.
Saturday, October 5
10:00 AM Central
Jefferson,  WI
Having Met in High School, Bill Slaven and Bob met with a similar interest, cars. For over 60 years, their friendship took them all over the United States hunting those classics Corvette Cars and...
24 Days 11 Hours
to bid until the live auction begins!
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