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Norma J. Heneke Estate

Real Estate  >  Merit Auctions, LLC  >  Norma J. Heneke Estate

Norma J. Heneke Estate

by Merit Auctions, LLC
Wed, Sep  18, 2024  10:00 AM   Central
Land is located in Sections 22 & 23, Bloomfield Township, Clinton County, IA to be sold in 3 tracts. Farm is located 1.5 miles southeast of Delmar, IA. Delmar, IA is located 30 miles north of Davenport, IA. Farmers & investors – Mark your calendar now to add to your operation or to your portfolio! The Heneke Farm offers highly productive tillable farmland with Tract 1 featuring Tama & Muscatine soils that has a CSR2 of 93.2. Tract 2 features Tama & Colo soils and has a CSR2 of 88.9. Tract 3 includes an attractive country acreage that features a 2-story home and outbuildings. We look forward to your participation in this outstanding land auction that features one of the top producing farms that will be sold in Eastern Iowa in 2024.
This lot is for information only & for test bidding. Place your actual bids on the lots below. This lot is for information only & for test bidding. Place your actual bids on the lots below.

This lot is for information only & for test bidding. Place your actual bids on the lots below.

Lot #0 (Sale Order 1 of 4)


The Heneke farm will be sold in 3 individual tracts based on a completed survey. Tracts 1 & 2 will be sold on a price per acre basis through the marketing method of ?Buyer?s Choice?, whereas the high bidder has the privilege to take either or both tracts for their high bid. Tract 3 will be sold last for a lump sum total dollar amount. The tracts will NOT be offered in its entirety or in any combinations. Bidding is NOT contingent upon financing, an appraisal or inspection.


Ten (10%) percent of the bid price to be due on the day of the sale with the balance due in approximately 30 days, on or before October 21, 2024 upon delivery of a merchantable abstract and deed.

At the conclusion of the auction, the successful bidder(s) shall enter into a written agreement with the seller. Signing of said agreement will be executed via email, DocuSign, or in person. The real estate taxes will be prorated to the date of closing. Possession on Tracts 1 & 2 will be given at the time of closing subject to a lease with the tenant. Full possession will be given on Tract 3 at the time of closing. Farm sells free & clear for the 2025 crop year. Subject to the Iowa Septic System Law and that this property is in an estate, Tract 3 is exempt of any septic upgrades. Any future septic system testing and upgrades will be at the buyers expense.

The information in this brochure is believed to be accurate; however, no liability for its accuracy, errors or omissions is assumed. All lines drawn on maps, photographs, etc. are approximate. The Buyer acknowledges that they have carefully and thoroughly inspected the real estate and are familiar with the premises. The Buyer is buying this real estate in its AS IS condition and there are no expressed or implied warranties pertaining to the real estate. All announcements sale day shall take precedence over any prior advertising either written or oral.

Auction Managers:
Jim Huff (319) 931-9292
John Probasco (641) 856-7355

Aff of Death Terminating Life Estates.pdf
Release of Option to Buy.Renee.pdf
Seller Disclosure.pdf

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Lot #1 (Sale Order 2 of 4)

  • FSA information indicates 76.79 acres of tillable cropland currently in row crop production.
  • Highly productive Tama, Muscatine & Colo soils.
  • CSR2 is 93.2!
  • Access is on the east by 260th Ave.

2024.OFFER TO BUY.Parcel C (Tract 1).pdf

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Sold for: USD 18,100.00
$18,100.00 x 79 = $1,429,900.00
Total Bid: USD 1,429,900.00

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$18,100.00 x 79 = $1,429,900.00 Total


Lot #2 (Sale Order 3 of 4)

  • FSA information indicates 28.44 acres of tillable cropland. There is 21.27 acres in row crop production and 7.17 acres that has recently been in CRP.
  • Highly productive Tama & Colo soils.
  • CSR2 is 88.9!
  • There is a small amount of field drainage tile on this tract.
  • Access is on the west by 260th Ave.

2024.OFFER TO BUY.Parcel A (Tract 2).pdf

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Sold for: USD 13,500.00
$13,500.00 x 30 = $405,000.00
Total Bid: USD 405,000.00

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$13,500.00 x 30 = $405,000.00 Total
TRACT 3: Country Home and 2.20 SURVEYED ACRES 2585 130th Street | Delmar, IA 52037 TRACT 3: Country Home and 2.20 SURVEYED ACRES 2585 130th Street | Delmar, IA 52037

TRACT 3: Country Home and 2.20 SURVEYED ACRES 2585 130th Street | Delmar, IA 52037

Lot #3 (Sale Order 4 of 4)

  • This tract is improved with large 2 story country home that offers 5 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and 1,680 sq. ft. of living area. The heat source is provided by GFA furnace and the water is provided by a well.
  • Refrigerator, washer/dryer & LP tank is included with this tract.
  • Other improvements includes a 24ft. x 48ft. storage building as well as several older structures.
  • Access is on the north by 130th St.

2024.OFFER TO BUY.Parcel B (Tract
Lead-Based Paint Disclosure - Seller.pdf
Residential Property Seller Disclosure Statement.pdf

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Sold for: USD 205,000.00

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