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Green Leather Hide a Bed Couch
Green Leather Hide a Bed Couch

Green Leather Hide a Bed Couch

Lot Closed

This item is in Omaha, NE

Overview of Green Leather Hide a Bed Couch

Item Details

Green Leather Hide a Bed Couch - Location: 1.015 - SN: 1873 - REMOVAL: $20.00


For credit limits over $1000.00 fax Bank Letter of Guarantee to: 208-232-0351. All purchases to be paid in full before buyer leaves the premises. Payment may be made by cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. An additional 3% for all payment not made with Cash or Check.
CheckMoney Order

Auction Details

Union Pacific - Corporate Offices1616 Dodge St., Omaha, NESaturday, Feb 12, 2005 | 9:00 AM CST

Terms Of Sale

The sale is 'AS IS' and 'Where IS' and without warranty of any nature whatsoever. Purchasers are deemed to have conducted their own inspection and should NOT rely on descriptive information provided or statements made. Payment may be made by cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Money Order, and Paypal. 3% additional for payments not made by Cash or Check. 15% Online Buyers Premium If special arrangements need to be made please do that with authorized auction personnel. Items we have not received shipping information for after the deadline (Reasonable amount of time) will be charged $10.00 a day storage. If any check given in payment is not honored for any reason (including but not limited to N.S.F., stop payment order, or the like) I agree to pay $25 returned check fee and if that check is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection, to pay all reasonable attorney's fees incurred, together with all costs suit. Collusion will not be tolerated. In accordance with the Sherman Act it is unlawful to agree not to bid against another buyer, punishable by fines and prison. I will pay any legal state sales tax due to my failure to qualify as exempt from said tax. All property is sold “AS IS”, and ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Property is open to thorough public inspection. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. Prime Time Auctions may attempt to describe the merchandise in advertising, on the Internet and at the auction but makes no representations. In no event shall Prime Time Auctions be held responsible for having made or implied any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value. Bidders who bid from off site and are not present at the live auction or preview understand and acknowledge that they may not be able to inspect an item as well as if they examined it in person. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. Prime Time Auctions shall endeavor to describe in detail each item and any pertinent information about it. Prime Time Auctions will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the description of the merchandise unless it is a material and intentional misrepresentation of the item itself. Bidder agrees that everything is sold as is and that they may not return any item they purchase. Prime Time Auctions is providing Internet pre-auction and live bidding as a service to Bidder. Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may or may not function correctly the day of the auction. Under no circumstances shall Bidder have any kind of claim against Prime Time Auctions or anyone else if the Internet service fails to work correctly before or during the live auction. Prime Time Auctions will not be responsible for any missed bids from any source. Internet bidders who desire to make certain their bid is acknowledged should use the proxy-bidding feature and leave their maximum bid 24 hours before the auction begins. Prime Time Auctions reserves the right to withdraw or re-catalog items in this auction. Terms: PREVIEW / REMOVALPreview: No preview at the Corporate Offices. Select items will be set up at the Hotel for inspection. Pictures of the items located at 1416 Dodge St., will be shown on big screens. Please preview online at www.primetimeauctions.com. Inventories, catalogs, & pictures will be available at the website, which will be updated daily. Businesses buying in volume can preview by appointment. Special terms apply. Removal: LOADING SERVICE / CHARGES – AAA Services Moving Company has been contracted to load merchandise to your truck. A reasonable per-piece charge will be applied to all items purchased. This amount will get the items loaded into your truck. Loaded price will be posted on the final catalog, available online & at registration. Bring your own packing and strapping supplies. PICKUP DATES DEFINED -- Pickup will be over a six- to eight- week period. A removal schedule will be set and scheduled based on your purchases, which might be days or weeks after the auction. To facilitate an orderly removal, we ask everyone to pick up items during their scheduled times. Suggested days will be posted and then set with removal company. Have your trucks go to 1416 Dodge St. on the scheduled day and check in at the front desk. The moving company may elect to make other arrangements with you based on their work load and discretion. DEADLINE -- Items must be removed on dates scheduled. If you do not pick your items up and cannot make acceptable arrangements, you will forfeit the merchandise. Ownership will revert back to the building owner. Disposal charges could be incurred.CONTACT -- AAA Services, Steve Turner, (402) 706-0789. AAA will be at the auction for scheduling. They can also deliver the items to your location for a price negotiated on a case-by-case basis.SERVICES AVAILABLE -- Other moving companies will be at auction to quote hauling items to your location. Bekins of Omaha (402) 341-2700.Condition of Merchandise: All merchandise is used. Buyer should expect average wear, scratches, and dings. Items have been inspected and will be represented in their current condition. Catalog will note any unusual damage or wear and will be sold as is. If item has been grossly misrepresented, then your money will be refunded. Absolutely no refund will be allowed because buyer bid on the wrong item, misunderstood the terms of the auction, or has any buyer's remorse for any reason. Once you bid on the item and the auctioneer says "sold", you own the item and must pay in full. If you have a question or misunderstanding, you should handle it right then with the ring people and auctioneer.The auctions are recorded and, if there is a discrepancy in price, you will pay for the item in full. Monday after the auction, the office staff will listen to the recording and make adjustments as necessary.Other then the item condition being misrepresented the auction is “AS IS” and without warranty of any nature whatsoever. TERMS / CHOICE LOTSBuyer's Premium: 10% Buyer's Premium added to all purchases. Any purchases made online through www.proxibid.com will pay an additional 5% Buyer's Premium. All other terms will remain the same.Deposit / Bidder Registration: Driver's License required at registration, along with a $100 cash or credit card refundable deposit. Your deposit will be refunded or applied to purchases at checkout. Additional deposits throughout the auction may be required of larger purchasers. Bidder Numbers will be valid for all three days.Early Registration available on Wednesday, Feb 9, from 3 pm to 6 pm at the DoubleTree Hotel.Payment: All purchases to be paid in full before buyer leaves the premises, even if returning the next day. Accepted forms of payments are cash, cashier's check, traveler's checks, wire transfers, Visa, MasterCard and Discover. An additional 2% for all payments not made with cash or check. CHECKS / LETTER OF GUARANTEE: An approved bank letter of guarantee is required for payment made with check. Letter of guarantee must read; this bank guarantees payments of checks written on account number (your account number) for an amount up to (amount), for the purpose of making purchases at the auction conducted February 10, 11, and 12. This guarantee is valid for 15 business days following the last auction date. Sales Tax: Omaha State Sales Tax of 7% will apply to all purchases unless buyer has valid tax-exempt information.Choice Lots: CHOICE - Buyer has the option of taking one, two, ten, or up to the entire lot of items. If buyer chooses to take more than one, the price is multiplied by that amount. Example: Buyer takes 5 items at $100, the price will be $500.FIRST CHOICE - Buyer will be able to choose any specific items out of the items up for choice. If there is a choice of 50 items buyer can name which item he wants. If bidder does not need a certain number, items will be sold in Catalog order. With the large amount of items, the buyer should determine prior to bidding if he wants a certain catalog item and which number it is. Only the highest bidder will get to choose. Backup bidders will receive the items in the order they are on the Catalog, beginning with the first item.CONSECUTIVE CHOICE - Buyer must take them in the order of the Catalog. If the buyer would like 10, then he gets the first ten. The next buyer would then take the following numbers in order.TIMES THE MONEY - The high bid will be multiplied by this number. If a lot is 8 times the money, the buyer must take all of them at a multiple of the bid. Example: The high bid is $50 and the lot is 8 times the money, the total price is $400. They are being sold each and the buyer must take all.MUST TAKE A MINIMUM CHOICE - The auctioneer will announce you must take a minimum amount of items in order to bid. Many times the bidding will start over for the remaining items that did not get chosen. It is then a choice with a minimum to be taken.YOU WILL CATCH ON FAST. It is easy to understand once the auction is underway. Remember, many times you will not be able to take a choice unless you actually participated in the bidding. Get your hand in the air!Seating and concessions available, come in and get comfortable and enjoy your lunch time at the auction. Complete Terms with Catalog. Announcements made at auction take precedence over printed material. Inventories subject to change.