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Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga
Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga
Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga
Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga
Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga
Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga12 Photos
Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga
Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga
Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga
Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga
Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga
Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga
Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga
Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga
Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga
Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga
Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga
Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga
Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga

Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga

Lot Closed

This item is in Littleton, CO

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Overview of Remington Mohawk-48 Semi-Auto Shotgun - 12ga

Item Details

This lot contains a Remington Mohawk-48 semi-auto shotgun with a 2 3/4 chamber. The action remains smooth and all controls function easily. Needs a buttplate.

Shotgun Gauge: 12 Gauge
Make: Remington
Model: Mohawk-48
Serial # - Firearms: 5276646
Barrel Length: 27"


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Auction Details

Auction 17950 S LINCOLN ST, Littleton, CO, 80122Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025 | 7:00 PM CST

Terms Of Sale

BY REGISTERING TO BID ON THIS AUCTION YOU ARE AGREEING TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, AND OPTING IN FOR FUTURE UPDATES ON UPCOMING AUCTIONS VIA TEXT AND EMAIL SERVICES. WE WILL ONLY SELL FIREARMS TO THE US 50 STATES. NO CANADA OR INTERNATIONAL BIDDERS ON FIREARMS. THIS INCLUDES BLACK POWDER AND ANTIQUE GUNS. THIS IS AN ONLINE AUCTION IN WHICH YOU, THE BIDDER, ARE DETERMINING THE PRICE. CONSEQUENTLY, ALL SALES ARE FINAL. UNDERSTAND THAT THE FINAL DETERMINATION OF THE AUTHENTICITY AND CONDITION OF THE ITEMS LISTED ARE UP TO PARTICIPANTS OF THE AUCTION. THE AUCTION HOUSE PERFORMS ITS OWN DUE DILIGENCE FOR THE PURPOSES OF ACCURATE DESCRIPTIONS, BUT DUE TO THE HIGH VOLUME OF ITEMS THERE ARE THINGS THAT CAN BE MISSED OR OVERLOOKED. IN PERSON INSPECTION IS PERMITTED AT OUR PREMISES DURING BUSINESS HOURS, UNTIL 48 HOURS BEFORE THE FIRST LOT CLOSES IN THE AUCTION. ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD FOR THE PURPOSE OF BEING COLLECTION PIECES, AND SHOULD BE INSPECTED BY A PROFESSIONAL BEFORE ENGAGING IN THE ORIGINAL INTENDED USE. THE BUYER IS RESPONSIBLE THE BUYER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING ALL COSTS SHOWN ON THE INVOICE, INCLUDING ANY UPDATES SUCH AS SHIPPING COSTS. OLD STEEL HISTORICAL FIREARMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR MISTAKES MADE ON THE PART OF THE BUYER. IF YOU MAKE A BID IN ERROR, YOU MUST CONTACT PROXIBID SUPPORT (833-616-7370) TO HAVE IT REMOVED. PLEASE MAKE SURE BEFORE BIDDING THAT YOUR PROXIBID CONTACT INFORMATION IS CURRENT. PAYMENT IS REQUIRED WITHIN 7 DAYS AFTER AUCTION ENDS, OR ALL ITEMS WILL BE FORFEITED AND A DISPUTE WILL BE FILED WITH PROXIBID. IF YOU WISH TO PAY FOR YOUR ITEMS TO LIFT THE DISPUTE, YOU MUST CONTACT OLD STEEL HISTORICAL FIREARMS DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE ORIGINAL INVOICE DATE TO ARRANGE PAYMENT. A $100 FEE WILL BE ADDED TO DELINQUENT PAYMENTS. NO DISPUTES OUTSIDE OF 30 DAYS FROM THE ORIGINAL INVOICE DATE WILL BE LIFTED BY OLD STEEL HISTORICAL FIREARMS. ALL OF OUR ANTIQUE (MFG BEFORE 1898) AND BLACK POWDER GUNS REQUIRE PROPER IDENTIFICATION (IE: A DRIVERS LICENSE OR GOVERNMENT ISSUED PHOTO ID) AMONG PURCHASE. ALL OTHER FIREARMS REQUIRE A VALID FFL TO BE EMAILED TO AUCTIONS@OLDSTEELGUNS.COM AND WILL BE SHIPPED TO THAT FFL. ONCE THE AUCTION HAS CLOSED, INVOICES WILL BE SENT ON THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY FOR THE LOT(S) YOU HAVE WON. CARDS ON FILE WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY CHARGED 24 HOURS AFTER THE INVOICE IS SENT. ONCE YOUR ORDER IS PROCESSED AN ADDITIONAL AMOUNT WILL BE REQUESTED FOR SHIPPING. WE ONLY ACCEPT CARDS AND ACH AS A FORM OF PAYMENT. PLEASE NOTE THAT ACH TRANSACTIONS TAKE LONGER TO POST AND MAY DELAY THE TIME AT WHICH WE CAN SHIP YOUR ORDER. WE DO NOT ACCEPT CHECK, MONEY ORDER, WIRE TRANSFER, CASH OR PAY-PAL. ORDERS FOR FIREARMS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED UNTIL A VALID FFL IS SENT TO AUCTIONS@OLDSTEELGUNS.COM. ORDERS FOR ANTIQUES (MFG BEFORE 1898) AND BLACKPOWDER GUNS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED UNTIL PROPER IDENTIFICATION (IE: A DRIVERS LICENSE OR GOVERNMENT ISSUED PHOTO ID) IS SENT TO AUCTIONS@OLDSTEELGUNS.COM. IF PROPER DOCUMENTATION IS NOT PROVIDED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE AUCTION CLOSING, YOU WILL BE REFUNDED FOR THE ITEM(S) LESS A 20% RESTOCKING FEE AND THEY WILL BE RELISTED. WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATIENCE WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING TIMES. YOU WILL RECEIVE A CLOSED OUT INVOICE WITH A TRACKING NUMBER VIA YOUR EMAIL ON FILE ONCE FULL PAYMENT FOR THE LOT(S) AND SHIPPING IS RECEIVED. WE DO NOT GIVE ESTIMATES ON SHIPPING SHIPPING TIMES. ATTENTION---------CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS: SALES OF MODERN GUNS TO CALIFORNIA MUST BE COMPLIANT WITH CALIFORNIA LAW. IN REFERENCE TO THE CALIFORNIA PENAL CODE SECTION 12072(f)(1), SALES OF GUNS CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED TO AN FFL THAT CAN PROVIDE A SHIPMENT CODE AND IS ABLE TO RECEIVE THE FIREARM. ALL FIREARMS ARE SOLD 'AS-IS' IN THE AUCTION. THE DATE RECEIVED IS THE DATE THE ITEM IS SHOWN AS DELIVERED BY THE TRACKING INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE SHIPPING COMPANY. USED GUNS, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE ARE BELIEVED TO BE FUNCTIONAL. HOWEVER, THEY ARE NOT TEST FIRED OR EVALUATED BY A GUNSMITH. WE DO NOT CHECK HEADSPACING ON ANY OF OUR FIREARMS. Condition of Firearms: Old Steel Historical Firearms LLC makes no warranties or representations whatsoever and no employee or consultant has the authority to do otherwise, concerning the operation of firing condition, fitness for use, safety to store, or reliability, of any firearm, ammunition, or parts. Use of any firearm or ammunition purchased from us is entirely at the user's risk. We strongly recommend that all weapons, ammunition, etc. purchased at auction be examined by a competent gunsmith. We expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for accident, injury or damage resulting to any person from the storage or subsequent use of any such lot. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED ABOVE, ALL PROPERTY IS SOLD AS IS. NEITHER OLD STEEL HISTORICAL FIREARMS LLC NOR THE CONSIGNOR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS OR CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY OR AS TO THE CORRECTNESS OF DESCRIPTION, GENUINENESS OF ANY ITEM. ALL FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION ARE SOLD AS COLLECTOR LOTS ONLY. FITNESS TO FIRE OR OTHERWISE DISCHARGE THE ARM OR AMMUNITION IS EXPRESSLY DENIED BY OLD STEEL HISTORICAL FIREARMS LLC. A COMPETENT GUNSMITH SHOULD BE CONSULTED BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO USE OR FIRE ANY FIREARM OR AMMUNITION. THE PURCHASER EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT IN NO EVENT SHALL OLD STEEL HISTORICAL FIREARMS LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY COMPENSATORY, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Restrictions by State: California: Purchasers of ammunition must provide a valid copy of a Federal Firearms License for shipping. Magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds. Cal. Pen. Code 16740: A large capacity magazine means any ammunition feeding device with the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds, but shall not be construed to include a feeding device that has been permanently altered so that it cannot accommodate more than 10 rounds, any tubular magazine that is contained in a lever-action firearm, or any .22 caliber tube ammunition feeding device. Colorado: Magazines capable of holding more than 15 rounds. HB1224: (I) A fixed or detachable magazine, box, drum, feed strip, or similar device capable of accepting, or that is designed to be readily converted to accept, more than fifteen rounds of ammunition; (II) A fixed, tubular shotgun magazine that holds more than twenty-eight inches of shotgun shells, including any extension device that is attached to the magazine and holds additional shotgun shells; or (III) A non-tubular, detachable magazine, box, drum, feed strip, or similar device that is capable of accepting more than eight shotgun shells when combined with a fixed magazine. Connecticut: Magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds. Conn. Gen. Stat. 53-202p(a)(1): Connecticut law defines large capacity magazine to mean any firearm magazine, belt, drum, feed strip or similar device that has the capacity of, or can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition. Hawaii: Magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds. Haw. Rev. Stat. Ann. 134-8(c): Hawaii prohibits the manufacture, possession, sale, barter, trade, gift, transfer, or acquisition of detachable ammunition magazines with a capacity in excess of 10 rounds which are designed for or capable of use with a pistol. The ban does not apply to magazines modified to accept 10 rounds or fewer. Illinois: CITY OF CHICAGO High capacity magazine means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device, including any such device joined or coupled with another in any manner, that has an overall capacity of more than 15 rounds of ammunition. A high capacity magazine does not include an attached tubular device to accept, and capable of operating only with .22 caliber rimfire ammunition. City Ordnance 8-20-085: High capacity magazines and certain tubular magazine extensions ? Sale and possession prohibited in the following zip codes:Cook County ZIP Codes: 60290 60601 60602 60603 60604 60605 60606 60607 60608 60609 60610 60611 60612 60613 60614 60615 60616 60617 60618 60619 60620 60621 60622 60623 60624 60625 60626 60628 60629 60630 60631 60632 60633 60634 60636 60637 60638 60639 60640 60641 60642 60643 60644 60645 60646 60647 60648 60649 60651 60652 60653 60654 60655 60656 60657 60659 60660 60661 60664 60666 60668 60669 60670 60673 60674 60675 60677 60678 60680 60681 60682 60684 60685 60686 60687 60688 60689 60690 60691 60693 60694 60695 60696 60697 60699 60701 60706 60707 60804 60827 60004 60005 60007 60008 60010 60015 60016 60018 60022 60025 60026 60043 60053 60056 60062 60067 60068 60070 60074 60076 60077 60089 60090 60091 60093 60103 60104 60107 60120 60130 60131 60133 60153 60154 60155 60160 60162 60163 60164 60165 60169 60171 60172 60173 60176 60192 60193 60194 60195 60201 60202 60203 60301 60302 60304 60305 60402 60406 60409 60411 60415 60419 60422 60423 60425 60426 60428 60429 60430 60438 60439 60443 60445 60452 60453 60455 60456 60457 60458 60459 60461 60462 60463 60464 60465 60466 60467 60469 60471 60472 60473 60475 60476 60477 60478 60480 60482 60484 60487 60501 60513 60521 60523 60525 60526 60527 60534 60546 60558 60714 60454 60712 60803 60804 60805 Illinois: CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK: 60035 60037 Illinois: CITY of AURORA 60502 60503 60504 60505 60506 60507 60568 60572 60598 60599 Maryland: Magazines capable of holding more than 20 rounds. Md. Code Ann., Crim. Law 4-305(b): Maryland prohibits anyone from manufacturing, receiving, purchasing, transferring, selling, or offering for sale any detachable magazine that can hold more than 20 rounds of ammunition for a firearm. The ban does not apply to .22 caliber rifles with a tubular magazine (Md. Code Ann., Crim. Law 4-305(a). Massachusetts: Magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds. Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 140 121: A (1) fixed or detachable magazine, box, drum, feed strip or similar device capable of accepting, or that can be readily converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition or more than five shotgun shells or (2) large capacity ammunition feeding device as defined in the now-expired federal Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act as it appeared on September 13, 1994. New Jersey: Magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds. NJ Stat. Ann. 2C:39-1y: A box, drum, tube, or other container that is capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition to be fed continuously and directly into a semi-automatic firearm. New York: Magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds. NY Penal Code 265.00(23), 265.02(8) & 265.10: New York prohibits the manufacture, transportation, disposal, and possession of large capacity ammunition feeding devices. Prior law defined a large capacity feeding device as a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device manufactured after September 13, 1994 (the date the now-expired federal assault weapon and large-capacity magazine ban became effective), that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than ten rounds of ammunition. It excludes attached tubular devices designed to accept and capable of operating only with .22 caliber rim fire ammunition. Vermont: Magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds for a rifle and more than 15 rounds for a hand gun. VT. Gen. Law Act 94/S.55 13 V.S.A. 402:A person shall not manufacture, possess, transfer, offer for sale, purchase, or receive or import into this State a large capacity ammunition feeding device. Large capacity ammunition feeding device means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept: more than 10 rounds of ammunition for a long gun; or more than 15 rounds of ammunition for a hand gun. It excludes an attached tubular device designed to accept, and capable of operating only with .22 caliber rim-fire ammunition. Washington State: Components for fully automatic fire. Parts Kits ordered will have these parts removed or replaced prior to shipping. Wash. Rev. Code Ann. 9.41.190(1): Washington prohibits any person from manufacturing, owning, buying, selling, loaning, furnishing, transporting, or having in his or her possession or under his or her control any machine gun, or any part designed and intended solely and exclusively for use in a machine gun, to convert a weapon into a machine gun, or to assemble or repair any machine gun. Washington D.C.: Magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds. D.C. Code Ann. 7-2506.01(b): D.C. defines a large capacity ammunition feeding device as a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition. The term does not apply to attached tubular devices designed to accept and capable of operating only with .22 caliber rim fire ammunition.