See Special Terms for additional fees
Field office desk
Civil war period field desk w/ secret drawer
wood chest
Felt lined good hardware nice 28x 12 x 12
Craftsman hand Cart
Craftsman hand cart 1950s
Buffalo skull mount
Buffalo skull mount w/ old artifacts and contemporary arrow made by Lakota Souix Indian
3 ft x 31 1/4 x 16 deep
p u only
snow shoes
Old pair of wooden snow-shoes
Branding Iron
Old branding iron from WY
Buffalo Necklace
Buffalo Necklace restrung buffalo necklace w old trade beads and artifacts
Glass Wall clock
Older wood and glass wall clock approx. 51 x 15 x 7 w/ key , pendulum and all parts. B Larsch jewelers NY,NY
last serviced 2002
Trigger Awl
7 in fort Ancient trigger Awl scioto, co. OH
Dover flint
3 3/4 x Lg. 11/16 w. Elk River Stewart co. Tn material doverflint w/ COA ex. Gary Nile Collection
turkey tail Adena
3 1/2 x 13/16 in turkey tail Adena Wilson Co. Tn
ex. Rocky hall material Dover flint w/ COA
Shark Teeth
3- Megalodon shark teeth In case
powder Horn
Old Powder Horn 9 in long
Ovate knife
3 5/16 x 2 1/4 in ovate knife LaGrange Co. In w / COA
Paddle Drill
3 1/2 Paddle Drill OH
Snyder Point
3 in x 2 3/8 Snyder Point St. Joe Co. IN