Liquidation of Kennedy Auction Company
Saturday, October 17, 2020 | 10:00 AM Central
Auction closed.
Liquidation of Kennedy Auction Company
Saturday, October 17, 2020 | 10:00 AM Central
Auction closed.
Liquidation of farm, ranch, construction, and heavy equipment
Metal Shop Table w/pegboard back
Lot # 11781 (Sale Order: 1 of 516)
includes chorded grinders, drill, vice and asst
Metal Shelf w/Asst Liquids
Lot # 11792 (Sale Order: 11 of 516)
Antifreeze, Window Wash, Starting Fluid, 2 Discs
Small Metal Shelf
Lot # 11805 (Sale Order: 20 of 516)
Weather head bin cabinet, cat filters, brass fittings
Metal Shelf w/Ass Parts
Lot # 11810 (Sale Order: 23 of 516)
U Joints, Valve Stems, & Asst Mower Parts
Metal Shelf w/Asst parts
Lot # 11809 (Sale Order: 24 of 516)
Water Pump, Lift Fuel pumps, and other tractor parts
Metal Shelf w/John Deer Parts
Lot # 11812 (Sale Order: 25 of 516)
Side Screens, Filters, Radiator Hoses