Farm Machinery and Equipment Auction
Saturday, August 28, 2021 | 10:30 AM Central
Auction closed.
Farm Machinery and Equipment Auction
Saturday, August 28, 2021 | 10:30 AM Central
Auction closed.
fall Farm Equipment Sale - Items and pictures with be uploaded as they come in. We appreciate your patience
2001 Crestliner Fishing Boat
Lot # 6 (Sale Order: 6 of 107)
14', with trailer, (No Title or Registration)
1983 Sylvan Boat
Lot # 7 (Sale Order: 7 of 107)
18' , MnKota Trolling motor, tarp, with roller trailer
2005 H & H Trailer
Lot # 8 (Sale Order: 8 of 107)
18', tandem axle, with manaul hydraulic lift tilt bed, new paint and wiring
2003 Ford F150 Triton Truck
Lot # 9 (Sale Order: 9 of 107)
4 door, 4 x 4, with tires and rims, V-8, shows 184,700 miles
1979 Chevy Custom Deluxe 350 Truck
Lot # 22 (Sale Order: 22 of 107)
1 ton, dually, electric hoist, 12', box
1969 Chevy C-60 Grain Truck
Lot # 24 (Sale Order: 24 of 107)
V-8, 8' x 15.5' steel box (loses brake fluid if sitting for along period)